Plans, policies, and regulations have a critical role to play in setting the ambitions of each Global Methane Pledge (GMP) participants and achieving the objectives of the GMP.

Over the past years countries have increasingly included methane in their NDCs. Since 2020, the number of countries integrating a separate methane target or mitigation potential in their NDCs has more than quadrupled.

Evolution over time of the number of countries with methane included in their NDC overall GHG target and of countries including a separate methane target or assessment of measure(s) methane mitigation potential in their latest NDCs. Based on latest submitted NDC in each referenced year.
Source: CCAC NDC tracker database, including all latest submitted NDCs as October 2023. Data available on demand.

As of October 2023, it is estimated that over 90% of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) cover methane emissions within the scope of their target, and over 60% of NDCs include targeted methane abatement measures in the agriculture, waste and fossil fuel sectors. 

As part of their commitment to the Global Methane Pledge (GMP), countries are submitting their Methane Action Plans or Roadmaps, they outline existing policies and future activites to reduce methane by 2030 and afterwards. Almost 60 government as well as the European Union —covering over 55% of global anthropogenic methane emissions—have completed or are in the process of completing their plan, over 30 of them with support from the CCAC.  

National planning for methane abatement supports coordinated and accelerated progress on identification and development of relevant methane targeted measures and supporting policies, including in the context of NDCs revision. 

To formally submit this your Methane Action Plan, please send it to: support [at] (support[at]globalmethanepledge[dot]org) and secretariat [at] (secretariat[at]ccacoalition[dot]org), with copy to nathan.borgford-parnell [at] (nathan[dot]borgford-parnell[at]un[dot]org) and sophie.bonnard1 [at] (sophie[dot]bonnard1[at]un[dot]org) 

Countries having developed or developing national methane roadmaps or action plans. 
Source: CCAC. Completed methane roadmaps can be downloaded at National Methane Action Plans | Climate & Clean Air Coalition (

Building from the decade-long experience and methodology of the CCAC's National Planning​ process, the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) has launched the Methane Roadmap Action Programme (M-RAP) to support the development and implementation of transparent and consistent national Methane Action Plans or roadmaps​.​ 

Capacity building through CCAC supported methane roadmaps enable countries to use internationally available data and develop or improve their national capacities on inventories and monitoring reporting and verification. ​This approach provides a common baseline for collective action and tracking​. A methane technical assistance portal has been put in place where countries can access resources such as a template for developing their national methane plan or roadmap. All ODA-eligible GMP countries can receive CCAC funding support to develop their national methane roadmap or action plan.