Japan - GMP Methane Action Update (September 2024)
Japan reduced methane emissions by 40% in FY2022 from FY1990 level, with the emissions going down to one fourth level in the waste and the fossil fuel sectors. As methane mitigation looms critical to the 1.5℃ pathway, Japan joined the Global Methane Pledge with a view to sharing its experience and practices to contribute to global methane mitigation.
Key actions and achievements to date
In its 2030 NDC, Japan aims to achieve methane emissions reduction by 11% from the level of FY2013. With this effort, Japan’s methane emissions are estimated to decrease to 26.7 million t-CO2eq in FY2030.
Fossil fuel sector: Under the “Coalition for LNG Emission Abatement toward Net-zero (CLEAN)” launched in 2023 with the endorsement by the United States, the Republic of Korea, Australia, and the European Commission, LNG buyers of Japan and the Republic of Korea, with the support of JOGMEC (Japan Organization for Metal and Energy Security), communicate with their suppliers to uncover methane emissions data from throughout the LNG value chain. With the principle of CLEAN, JOGMEC also supports Malaysia and Indonesia for methane mitigation in their gas production process.
Waste sector: Japan promotes “3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle)” of waste and upgrades combustion at waste incineration facilities by introducing full continuous feed incinerators. Japan also works to globally promote deployment of “Fukuoka method,” a low-cost, a semi-aerobic landfill technology, that suppresses methane emissions as well as fires and water pollution from waste disposal sites. Currently, “Fukuoka method” has been introduced in over 20 countries, particularly in Asia.
Agricultural sector: Japan domestically promotes R&D and deployment of methane mitigation technologies under “MIDORI Strategy.” Japan also implements technical cooperation in methane mitigation, based on “ASEAN-Japan MIDORI Cooperation Plan,” aiming for resilient and sustainable agriculture and food systems in the region.
Methane data: Japan makes GOSAT (Greenhouse gases Observing Satellite) observation data publicly available, and shares it with U.S. GHG Center in view of assimilating with other satellite data to be used for research and policy making. Japan cooperates with India, Mongolia, and other Asian and Caucasus countries in developing methods for estimating GHG emissions by using GOSAT data.
Plans for the future
Japan will develop further measures to reduce methane emissions in the next NDC. Japan will keep its effort in methane mitigation both domestically and globally, that includes: further implementation of CLEAN in view of collaborating with IMEO, the European Commission and other partners; continued support in deploying “Fukuoka method”; implementation of agricultural measures like “MIDORI Strategy”; and efforts to improve accuracy and transparency of developing countries’ inventories by utilizing GOSAT observation data.